I created a summary of the article https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00431-024-05767-1. Then, later, i was reading the article on the website, and i clicked on a heading to jump to a subsection of the article, thus the url became https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00431-024-05767-1#additional-information. At this point i wanted to give a look at the Recall summary of the article, so i clicked again on Recall extension to open the generated summary, but it generated a new summary (identical to previous one) since it didn't "understand" it was the same article.
Btw the title of the article was "Phoenix criteria for sepsis: are these enough to guide a clinician?", but Recall used the title "Assessment of clinical outcome of children with sepsis outside the intensive care unit", that is instead the title of another article, suggested in the page with a link since it was an article about similar content viewed by other people.
Sankari Nair
in progress
Nicholas Andonakis
Generating a concise and a detailed summary create two seperate entries. They should be filed under one with the option to switch between.
Sankari Nair
Makes sense, thank you remco