As a Recall user,
I want an updated graph view feature that includes color coding and visible names for the nodes in both 2D and 3D views,
So that I can more easily distinguish between different types of knowledge cards, understand their relationships at a glance, and navigate my knowledge base more intuitively.
Color Coding: Users can toggle on color coding for nodes in the graph view, with colors representing different tags, link types, or other categorizations, making it easier to visually distinguish between them.
Floating Names: Option to toggle on visible names for each node without needing to hover, allowing users to quickly identify knowledge cards in the graph.
Customization Options: Users have control over the color schemes and which tags or types correspond to specific colors, allowing for a personalized visualization experience.
Toggle Features: Easy-to-use toggles are available for turning on or off the color coding and floating names features, enabling users to choose the view that best suits their current need.
Performance Optimization: The updated graph view is optimized for performance, ensuring smooth navigation and interaction, even with a large number of nodes.
User Preferences: Settings for these visualization features can be saved as part of the user's preferences, so they don't have to be reconfigured with each session.
Enhanced Navigation Tools: Alongside color coding and floating names, additional navigation tools (such as search within the graph) are enhanced for better usability.